Baby Steps to Parenthood
Are you expecting a baby?
What a privilege to welcome and nurture your little bundle. It’s also natural for you to have many questions on how to prepare for this journey of parenthood.
We are here for you! We have 20 years of experience in the field of Parent Education and this is our specially curated course just for expectant and new parents!
At Parenting Matters, we believe that all parents need the support they can get in raising their young ones. It takes a village to raise a child and we would be honoured to be a part of your village.
We will get you the support you need to embark on this parenting partnership with the latest from neuroscience.
Baby Steps to Parenthood course is for YOU!
Our sessions delve deep into the theme of building lifelong strong connections in the family. We begin with you and your partner and how you can strengthen your partnership to make this big transition and move to laying the foundation for a deep bond with your baby. Each session will be 2 hours long, with ample time for Q & A.
We start in February 2025.
Invest just 15 minutes to find out more. Sign up for a free discovery call with us. Just text us on 95660 75368 and our certified parent educator will be happy to connect with you.
Our course attempts to cover all the uppermost questions in the minds of expectant and new parents and provide practical information that helps them navigate the early months. We have surveyed what parents most want to know/ learn and designed our curriculum around these concerns
1. We are told that parents play an important role in their baby's brain development. How exactly does this happen and what is our role in ensuring we do the best for our baby? We offer you a simple understanding of brain architecture in the early years and give you practical ideas on what kind of actions and interactions will benefit you and your baby.
2. Where should my baby sleep? Is massage good or bad? Is it useful to carry my baby in a sling? How to soothe my crying baby? What if I cannot breastfeed? What do I need to know about newborn care? We understand that these choices and the information out there can be overwhelming. We help you navigate these decisions using science and the best recommendations from the Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
3. I have heard that many modern couples are struggling to share parenting roles and maintain a good partnership while balancing career choices. This puts a lot of stress on the marriage too.A strong partnership is the best gift you can offer your baby. Our course helps strengthen the relationship between you as partners and provides a space for you to think through your decisions during this transition. We also help you understand stress and how to cope with it.
4. I know that we are deeply affected by how we were raised and sometimes we carry on patterns of our parents which may not have served us well. I also want to make sure I can carry forward some of the parts of my childhood that were special to me. This is a great time to understand yourself and reflect on how you were raised. This helps you gain clarity on the kind of parent you wish to be. We help you to explore this.
5. I have heard from friends that nothing can prepare you for having a baby. I don't want to overthink things but I also want to be prepared. We know this is a huge transition and we agree that preparation is good. We support you in planning for this change; from looking at who will take care of practical things like managing the home, what needs to change in the physical environment of the house, and what you need to do for self-care and your wellness, etc.
1. Bringing Science to parents: Today, we are aware of the enormous role parents play in how children's brains develop. Neuroscience tells us that brain development starts in utero and that early interactions with the baby impact the architecture of the child's brain.
John Medina, geneticist, and molecular biologist, author of Brain Rules for Babies, says, "What you do before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and through the first five years - will affect your children for the rest of their lives"
Parenting Matters endeavors to support parents by sharing information from the latest research on brain science. Understanding the emotional and social needs of babies will empower young parents to make informed choices, be attuned to their babies, and set a solid foundation for the optimal development of their child.
2. Changing times requires a change in approach: With the disintegration of large families and communities, parents need a lot of support to understand and deal with the stresses that may accompany childbirth and parenthood. Parents talk about how they found the early years difficult because they were unprepared or not fully prepared for the huge changes. This often shows up in the communication between the couple. We would like to support parents to be better prepared at both an emotional and practical level.
Our course will support couples in having key conversations - how they can work as a team to nurture their baby, how responsibilities could be shared, discuss the pros and cons of returning to work, etc.
3. Right information at the right time: In our work with parents, since 2004, our participants shared that they wished they had adequate knowledge and skills about parenting right from the start. The most common regret often is, "Oh, I wish I had known this when my baby was born! There are so many things I would have done differently." They also shared that breaking out of set patterns or practices that were not beneficial to the child was challenging.
Beginning right at the start, when parents are expecting a baby, can make them feel empowered with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions.
For whom is this course?
Anyone who is contemplating having a baby, expecting their little one, or has a baby under the age of 3 months. We recommend they attend this course with their partner or whoever is supporting them in raising their child. If they cannot bring a partner along, we highly recommend they bring along the person who is their key support during this journey, as their course partner.
What is the time investment?
The course is structured to be completed within 5 weeks having:
- 4 live sessions - 2 hours each
- 2 self-paced sessions
- 1 individual coaching call
There is also the option of investing further for a 6-month support session.
Where can the course be attended?
The course is being offered online via Zoom and can be attended from the comfort of your home.
Who will be conducting this course?
Depending on the group size, the course will be conducted by 1 or 2 experienced certified parent educators from Parenting Matters.
What will you receive as part of this course?
This is a very experiential and interactive course. Participants will also receive handouts and reflective exercises. Plenty of resources are also shared during the sessions. There is also in-depth WhatsApp engagement with the facilitators for the duration of the course. This will continue for 2 weeks after the completion of the sessions for participants to clarify queries and share experiences. The WhatsApp group often continues and could become a valuable support network for participants in the future!
How many participants are in a group?
We have an upper limit of 5 couples per group to ensure ample time for all participants to share and ask questions.
How can I make the payment?
You can Gpay us on 95660 75368 or make a bank transfer. Our bank details are:
Account Name: Parenting Matters
Bank account number: 00172020001253
Branch: Anna Nagar
Bank: HDFC Bank
IFSC Code: HDFC0000017
When is the next batch happening?
The next batch starts in February 2025 and will run for 4 consecutive weeks.
We can also run a personalized batch for you in your workplace or in your neighbourhood at your convenience.
How can I register for this program or plan to run it for employees in my organization/ parents in my school?
Simply call us or WhatsApp us at 95660 75368 or write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* It is our sincere endeavour to make parent education available to any parent seeking it. If you are finding it difficult to pay the mentioned fee, please do reach out to us on 95660 75368.