Being your Child's Life Coach

Are you tired of being patient, giving countless reminders to get things done and the everyday policing required to keep your children on track? Do you often find yourself wishing that your child would grow up fast and you have some ease in your life? Or do you find yourself double guessing whether your parenting decisions are right or wrong? Wish there was help and guidance available to help you parent with confidence and clarity?

Then our flagship parenting course - 'Being your Child's Life Coach' is for you!

Join this course to enhance your parenting journey with insights from our brain science based curriculum that offers you compassionate as well as practical tools so that you and your child can enjoy a connected and deep relationship.

Imagine being informed about the latest research from brain science, empowering you to make confident and clear decisions on every aspect of raising your child. Say bye bye to confusion and guess work, say hello to being the effective loving parent that you wish to be!  How competent and satisfied you feel knowing your children growing up to be responsible,resilient and happy individuals with your supportive guidance.

We start in the first week of February 2025 


Invest just 15 minutes to find out more. Sign up for a free discovery call with us. Just text us on 95660 75368.


 What are the broad themes that will be covered in the 8 weeks?


      • To become aware of the developmental needs of the child and recognize that it is the need of a child that is causing her to behave in a particular manner.
      • Find ways to meet the needs of the child or in situations where the need cannot be met directly to find alternatives.
      • To balance the child’s needs in relation to the needs of the other members in the family.



      • To help the child express and cope with his/her feelings.
      • Learning to listen to the child so that he/she feels heard and understood.
      • Developing the skill of being an empathetic and approachable parent.
      • Communicating in a way that promotes responsibility and confidence in the child.
      • Learning regulation for ourselves and helping our children regulate their feelings.



      • Questioning the effectiveness of rewards and punishments in building inner discipline.
      • Reflecting on our childhood and what style of discipline worked for us and what did not.
      • Learning to communicate in ways that engage cooperation from children.
      • Exploring a collaborative approach to discipline which creates a respectful relationship between parent and child.
      • Learning tools for setting limits and guiding  children with empathy and love.  


This online course is a 16 hour program with 8 sessions of 2 hours each conducted weekly. You can attend sessions from anywhere in the world.The sessions will be conducted by Certified Parent Educators from our team. For testimonials from our previous participants CLICK HERE 

DETAILS OF THE COURSE : here's the plan for the 8 weeks





Launching new batches in February 2025

Online Zoom Course for parents of 0-9 years:  Starts on 4th February | Call / Whatsapp on 95660 75368 or 9884916059 to register or know more

Online Zoom course for parents of tweens and teens (10-18 years): Starts on 6th February | Call/Whatsapp us on 95660 75368 or 94452 87097 to register or know more

 Pay you can make the payment using the below details:  

Our bank details are:

Account Name: Parenting Matters

Bank account number: 00172020001253

Branch: Anna Nagar

Bank: HDFC Bank

IFSC Code: HDFC0000017   


 (We have priced this program at a rate which makes it accessible to a wider group of parents.In case, you are having difficulty in paying the stipulated fee, please reach out to us and we can work out a lower fee for you.)

 For any clarifications, do send us an email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or whatsapp on 95660 75368 

Here are some frequently asked questions. If you have any other doubts besides these, please free to address your queries by sending us an email.

What is the structure of the online sessions?

  • The sessions will be conducted on Zoom. Once you sign up for the course, we will send you a link to the online classroom.
  • The course is divided into 8 sessions of 2 hours each. Every week you need to use the link we send to you to enter the virtual classroom at the decided session time.
  • Each session will have 2 facilitators from Parenting Matters and up to 12-15 participants.
  • The sessions will be interactive and your participation is essential to make the learning more meaningful. We will be using PowerPoint slides, videos and audios to explain concepts. Interactions will be facilitated through voice and also the chat window option available on the platform.  
  • At the beginning of the course, a detailed manual ( in pdf format)  with handouts for the course will be emailed to you. 

What infrastructure do I need to make sure the session is effective for me?

  • You will need a computer and a broadband internet connection. In case you are travelling, the session can be accessed on your laptop or the Zoom phone app. 
  • Participants who would like to access sessions through their phone need to download the Zoom App. 
  • We sincerely recommend that you use a pair of headphones and a Mic.

In the event that there is a technical glitch e.g. there might be a power failure at your place or you may face computer/internet  issues or connectivity with the platform itself ,you could :

  • Rejoin the session from your data enabled phone or use your phone data hotspot.
  • Think of a backup place a covid friendly one to access sessions in case of interent problems. 
  • Read the detailed material given in the manual and reach out to the facilitator for a quick catch up.

How do I make up for a missed session? 

We earnestly recommend that you make all effort to attend the live session as the group learning experience cannot be replicated. In case you are unable to attend you could:

    1. Read the handouts which are sent after each session and clarify doubts through the whatsapp group which will be made for the duration on the workshop.
    2. Reach out to another participant or the facilitator for a recap/update of what was missed. 

Can I attend some sessions with another batch? 

If we have space available in another batch for the session you have missed we will definitely try to accommodate you. However, this will be decided on a case to case basis.