- 'Being your child's life coach' : A parenting course based on the science of brain development New batches start in FEBRUARY 2025
1.Batch for parents of 0-9 year olds starts on Tuesday 4th February | 10 am -12 pm IST | Call 95660 75368 to know more.
2.Batch for parents of tweens and teens starts on Thursday 6th February | 630 pm - 830 pm IST | Call 9445287097 to know more.
More details on
Read testimonials from participants from previous batches of the parenting teens course
- 'Baby Steps to Parenthood' : A parenting course for new and expectant parents
New Batch starts in February | Call 9884916059 to know more.
More details on
- One on One parenting sessions | Call/Whatsapp us on 9566075368
- Inner Child work | One on one sessions to explore triggers | Call/Whatsapp us on 95660 75368
** It is our endeavour to make parent education available to every parent. If the said fees is keeping you back from attending our offerings,please do reach out to us.